A Book of Faith Congregation


About Messiah

Organized in 1955, the congregation of Messiah has been an active member of the Hanahan community for more than sixty years. Meeting first at Fishburne Elementary School, the church dedicated and moved into the present sanctuary on Yeamans Hall Road in 1960. Over the years, many additions have been made to the grounds. Built primarily by congregation members, the Parish Hall serves as a reminder of what a church family can accomplish together through prayer, dedication, and hard work. These and other improvements have made Messiah a landmark in Hanahan.

Through annual events such as the WELCA Bazaar, Youth Group Bake Sales, Vacation Bible School, and the Community Spaghetti Dinner, the congregation invites everyone to visit the church and become familiar with our members and programs. Messiah Lutheran is a growing Church family, sharing worship, learning, fellowship and service with one another and the greater Hanahan Community. 


Pastor Craig Versprille

What a joy it is to extend greetings on behalf of the congregation of Messiah Lutheran Church. Messiah Lutheran is a warm, caring congregation ready to embrace all who come into its midst. It will not take you long to discover that God’s family, in this place, strives to find ways to share the Good news of God’s love in Christ and to be a community rich in the relationships that matter most. “Home” is a word that captures for many what they experience here. Growing together we worship, we serve, we laugh, we cry, we learn, and we reach out with God’s life-transforming love. We are delighted to welcome you to our family and invite you to share more fully in our fellowship. If you are new to the community, or, if you have been thinking, praying, or hoping for a place to belong – we welcome you!

- Pastor Versprille

The Rev. Craig W. Versprille (Pastor Craig) is a native of Rochester, NY and a graduate of The University of Rochester and Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary. He has served congregations in Columbia, SC and Charlotte, NC and has been the pastor of Messiah Lutheran Church since June 2000. He is married to Linda Versprille, a strings teacher at Cane Bay High School, and together they are the parents of three children and six beautiful grandchildren.


Sermons: Sundays at 11:00 am

Special Services include:

Advent Mid-week
Christmas Eve
Lent Mid-week
Holy Week
Service of Healing
Maundy Thursday
Good Friday
Easter Vigil
Festival of the Ascension